Laucke Red Hen Free Range Scratch Grain Mix

Red Hen Free Range Scratch Grain Mix is a mixture of natural grains fortified with calcium and methionine. Calcium, supplied in the form of marble chips, is important for bone development and egg shell formation. Methionine is an essential amino acid required for growth, egg size and rate of lay.
Red Hen Scratch is intended to be fed to free range poultry that have access to fresh pasture and are able to scratch for natural worms and bugs. Under these conditions Red Hen Scratch will form the base diet with vitamins and extra protein being obtained from the hen’s natural foraging activities. The hen’s diet can also be supplemented with fresh household food scraps.
If the free range conditions are not ideal it may be necessary to feed a complete layer food such as “Red Hen Free Range Layer”, “Red Hen Layer”, “Red Hen 17”, “Showbird Breeder MP”, “Gamebird Breeder”, “Hi-Lay Mash”, “Xtra Egg Seventeen” or “Home-Lay”. These diets are complete and require no other supplementary feeding.
This is a medication and meat free diet.

Feeding Recommendations
For detailed feeding recommendations refer to Red Hen Feeding Recommendations.
Ensure clean, fresh water is available at all times.

This feed has been manufactured specifically for animals as described, do not feed to any other species of animal.
This product does not contain restricted animal material.

Red Hen Scratch is formulated from a selection of the following ingredients: Wheat, triticale, barley, oats, peas, lupins, lentils, beans, corn, canola, sunflower, oil, fat, molasses, marble chips and methionine.


Red Hen Free Range Scratch Grain Mix is a mixture of natural grains fortified with calcium and methionine. Calcium, supplied in the form of marble chips, is important for bone development and egg shell formation. Methionine is an essential amino acid required for growth, egg size and rate of lay.
Red Hen Scratch is intended to be fed to free range poultry that have access to fresh pasture and are able to scratch for natural worms and bugs. Under these conditions Red Hen Scratch will form the base diet with vitamins and extra protein being obtained from the hen’s natural foraging activities. The hen’s diet can also be supplemented with fresh household food scraps.
If the free range conditions are not ideal it may be necessary to feed a complete layer food such as “Red Hen Free Range Layer”, “Red Hen Layer”, “Red Hen 17”, “Showbird Breeder MP”, “Gamebird Breeder”, “Hi-Lay Mash”, “Xtra Egg Seventeen” or “Home-Lay”. These diets are complete and require no other supplementary feeding.
This is a medication and meat free diet.

Feeding Recommendations
For detailed feeding recommendations refer to Red Hen Feeding Recommendations.
Ensure clean, fresh water is available at all times.

This feed has been manufactured specifically for animals as described, do not feed to any other species of animal.
This product does not contain restricted animal material.

Red Hen Scratch is formulated from a selection of the following ingredients: Wheat, triticale, barley, oats, peas, lupins, lentils, beans, corn, canola, sunflower, oil, fat, molasses, marble chips and methionine.